Sunday, 1 January 2012

Killing Two Birds With One Stone

What could bullying do to you? The effects of bullying can affect both victims AND bullies. Any kind of bullying (social, verbal, physical or cyber) can last for a while or simply forever.

Effects on bird number 1 : The Victims
The victims can become helpless, low esteemed, crushed, etc. Bullying can also make the victims feel confused, abandoned and solitary because the victims are scared to open up to someone. Feeling betrayed is one of the worst feelings you can ever have because of bullying, but why? Because the victims' friends don't want to talk to them anymore. Tired of being helpless and disliked by their comrades, they might have thought about suicide.

Effects on bird number 2 : The Bullies
Yes, even bullies might be affected by their own actions. Bullies might feel guilty and useless and why? One of  the many reasons is because the victim they bullied on, killed himself/herself.
And after that, the bully might also drop out of school due to lack of interest in school activities. But they can also become alcoholics due to depression and pain.
As you can see, being the bully is as painful as being the victim or the bystander.

Effects on bird number 3 : The Bystanders
Most of the time, the bystanders are the victim or the bully's friends. Some of them might feel guilty because of their betrayal towards their friends. After that, they might have mental and health problems and they tend to abuse the use of tobacco and drugs.

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